Monday, 25 November 2019
Friday, 22 November 2019
Thursday, 21 November 2019
Rainbows End trip Recount
On the 20th of november the year sevens of Pt England school went to rainbows end for the year seven trip. We went to rainbows end in the morning around ten o’clock and we came at two o’clock. Before we went we were put into groups of six or seven, I was in a group of six. The people that were in my group were Sione,Aj M, Nevah, Zamara and Madison.
When we got there, me and my group went to the roller coaster first. The reason why we wanted to go to the roller coaster was because we wanted to start from the back make our way to the front. Our second ride was the power usage out of all the rides the power usage was the scariest, when I was on the power usage I fainted while the ride was still going that's why that was my scariest ride from Rainbows End. Then we went on a lot more then we got to my favorite one the stratosphere we did with five of my members after that we had to go back to school and go home.
Friday, 15 November 2019
Once upon a time there were three little boys who loved going on trips. Their names were Sione, Leiite and Jaocb, they left Tonga to go on their trip to Auckland, New Zealand where they met the strongest the best looking guy on earth his name was Paschal he was the son of King doohole and Queen charming. He like Superman but better looking and stronger, him and Superman were very close friends when they were in high school. But Superman used his power for bad things and Paschal the good looking guy always tried to stop him from doing that but he would never stop. After they both finished school, Superman did a lot of bad things but Paschal would always win. Every time Paschal beats Superman he would always say, “there is still time for you to be good”. But one time Superman came up with a super idea it was to kidnap the three boys from tonga, Sione, Leiite and Jacob. He took them to an old underwater basement it was a place that no-one could track because the place was so deep. It took them one hour just to get down there. One thing that Superman didn't know about is that Jacob is a very smart boy he could use anything around him to attack or defend himself. Jacob knew that Superman’s weakness was Kryptonite but there was none of it around. People were asking if Paschal could save them but he had no idea where they were like he had no idea that Superman had a weakness Paschal’s Idea was to try and track him down but their was a sign of him, Paschal was thinking superman might of went to another country. But they didn’t so Paschal the most good looking guy went on a boat to see if superman had a secret ship like he always does but today he didn’t. After two whole days of looking for them he saw a bubbles coming from under the water it was unusual because volcanoes haven’t erupted in years so Paschal decided to go scuba diving that’s where he found a big boat where all the bubbles were coming out of. Paschal was looking for some-where to get in he didn’t find any doors so he punched a hole in the boat and their he was with the three little boys. First he saved the three little boys, then he took Superman to a cave full of Kryptonite.
Monday, 11 November 2019
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Narrative Writing
Once upon a time there was a little boy called James Tan, this boy could do amazing things like fly all the way up to Tonga. On may the 1st 2015 James Tan went to New Zealand to find some friend because when he lived he had no friends. The next morning he flew past lots of houses. Then he stopped at a house and he looked through the window and saw 3 little kids laughing and having fun, James has always dreamed of being apart of a family, a happy family. So one day he knocked on their family's door and asked if he could live with them, but they sadly said no and closed the door. Later that night James watched the kids sleep through their window, for some reason they always left their window open. Then James had an idea once they were fully asleep James picked up all three of them and flew straight out the window and he took them to his house. His house was the forest because where he lived there was hardly any houses or people. Then one night Luke Book heard about the missing kids, Luke Book and James Tan were best friends in high-school but now they are enemies because Luke Book is the hero of the city and James was the bad guy. So that night Luke tied James to a tree with a very strong rope, then he scooped up all three of the kids and took them to his boat called the lolly bogar. He woke them up and told them they were safe then he asked for their names to check if they were the right kids, there were 3 boys their names Frank, Sione and Jacob. The 3 little boys begged Luke to take them home so the next morning he took them to their house and lived happily ever after.
Friday, 18 October 2019
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Friday, 20 September 2019
De-extinction SEE writing
What would you do if a massive Moa crossed the street in front of you? Many animals are extinct, but bringing them back is not alright. Because they could be wild and dangerous. Also, it could kill some other species.
There are lots of animals that have been extinct, like the mammoth, big sloths and more. In New Zealand scientists are thinking of bringing back the Moa. To bring back the Moa, they would have to get the DNA from animals that are similar to the Moa. The closest animals to the Moa are the Emu and the ostrich.
If there was an animal that I could choose to be de-extinction. It would be a mamtoth because it live’s in Antarctica. The reason I chose the mamtoth is because hardly anyone goes to Antarctica. Plus it looks like elephant but hairier and bigger.
There are lots of animals that have been extinct, like the mammoth, big sloths and more. In New Zealand scientists are thinking of bringing back the Moa. To bring back the Moa, they would have to get the DNA from animals that are similar to the Moa. The closest animals to the Moa are the Emu and the ostrich.
If there was an animal that I could choose to be de-extinction. It would be a mamtoth because it live’s in Antarctica. The reason I chose the mamtoth is because hardly anyone goes to Antarctica. Plus it looks like elephant but hairier and bigger.
If the NZ scientist bring back the Moa I would never go for bush walks ever again. But if I saw a Moa across the street I would probably run for my life. Having very big animals in our bush’s is pretty scary because who know’s when they are going to come out.
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
Cross Country
On Monday the 16th of September, Pt England school had cross country. It was held at Pt England school, cross country was boring but we had no choice but to run it because it was part of the school. On cross country me and my friend Zane ran together the whole way though. Me and Zane walked some of it and ran some of it. While we were running I notice that Zane was running in his socks it was so funny because we got to where we were sitting he told they were his sister.
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Friday, 30 August 2019
Thursday, 22 August 2019
Task Description: For this task we had to make a poster about octopus. On this poster we had to write ten facts about octopus, here is me and Sonnia's poster.
Paschal, Leiite and Jacob Commercial
Task Description: For this week's writing we had to write a script for our ad. We were in groups of four. We also had to film and edit our movie's by our selves,
ChromeWow script
Paschal Let me wow you with our ChromeWow!. ChromeWow you’ll be saying wow every time you use this Chromewow. It’s like a book, it's like a pen, you’ll say wow every time you use it!.
Jacob - Hey, here’s a book and pen. You’ll have to do all the work but when you use the ChromeWow it changes everything and you’ll be saying Wow just Wow. Guess what, it changes your whole life.
leiite - Books and pens are nothing like ChromeWow it’s just amazing. You get 15% smart every time you open it. You’ll say wow every time you use ChromeWow.
Tuesday, 20 August 2019
Week 5: Sports Shed
Task Description: for this we had to work out the area and perimeter of the container. We also had to work out the volume inside the container. We were all in groups of three, and this is all my group had.
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
What I've learnt about Genome Sequence
In our DNA there are 4 letter that make us. The letter are A,G,T and C DNA is like a computer code. If your DNA is not right, Some-thing could happen any; time in your life. When we are sleeping our genome is still doing working. All of us have glitches but some of us ave glitches that cause's health problems. If a scientist take's some blood from you they could put it in a machine that help's them check your DNA. Scientist compare your sequence to thousands of people maybe even your relatives.
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Week 3: AL87 Games & Puzzles
Walt:make sure each person can understand and explain group's solution
Monday, 12 August 2019
Should school start later and end earlier
My first reason about disgreeing on this statement is that kids should get lots of school hours.For a better future.Do you want more school time?. If kids have more learning time, kids have a higher chance of getting into a good college or job. When kids have lots of school hours it give’s their brain a very good work out. But having short hours at school gives kids less time to learn.
My next reason is you can get lots and lots of help from the teacher. Maybe if you get more teacher help you have a very high chance of passing any test. Teacher’s make work at the level that you are at. Starting school later gives the teacher less time too know what level that you are reading at or any subject. Teachers could also help you enrol for a college that you want to go to.
My thrid reason is that you get lots of time to spend with your school mates. Having school mate’s is good too have becuase maybe when you get older maybe you guys would see into each other. Even maybe try and get in the same college go to Aut togther. Having school so fun becuase when you are so close to each other, it is like you are brothers or sisters. Having friends that are like my brother is fun becuase we can help each other when we are stuck in school-work.
These are all my reason’s why I disagree. Do you disagree or agree.
Friday, 9 August 2019
Create Task Dr Melanie
For one whole week me and my group Paua werelooking at Dr. Melaine Chung. We were looking at why she uses tikanga Maori in her job as a neurobiologist. But she wasn’t just using that she was doing other things too. She taught us how the Brain works and what it does in our body, she taught us that the Brain controls all our body parts it tells his to move, think, feel, and create it also tells us that everyone thought that the Brain stopped growing at the age of eighteen and that your Brain cells would soon die. She took it from loved ones that have passed. Most Maori people believe that when you die you should return to the Mother Earth in one piece. But before Dr. Melaine Chung could take the Brain from the people that have passed she must Pray and show respect towards them and the family. Dr. Melanie Chung has talked to a lot of Maori elders about what she is doing. Dr. Melanie Chung taught me that the Neurobiology is a study of cells of the nervous system and that the organization of these cells into functional circuits that process information and mediate behavior. But before all that she found out that is was called Huntington’s disease. She joined a group to find a cure for huntington's disease. She started her research in a laboratory, studying damaged brain cells. She found out that you can’t catch the Huntington’s disease from other people and that it is hereditary, which means it is passed down through families. Not long ago scientists thought that getting Neuroplasticity that the brain wouldn’t change after childhood.
Thursday, 1 August 2019
Should school end earlier
Task Description: For this task we had to disagree or agree on a statement. The statement was school should start later and end earlier. I disagreed with it and this is why.
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Tuesday, 23 July 2019
What is a Scientist?
Task Description: For this task we had to make a brain storm of what a Scientist is. We had to get into two pair and what an video of what an scientist is and we had too think of 10 or more things about an scientist.
Monday, 22 July 2019
What does Persuasive Mean?
Task Description: Today we brain stormed what persuasive means. Then we watched a video as a class to find out more about persuasive. These are some of the words that we found out about what persuasive means.
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Monday, 1 July 2019
Rata and the Totara Tree extra post
Task Description: This is what me and my group thinks what, magnificent height and breadth. These are some of the ideas that are there. Tall and wide,How tall he is,The amazing shape they are in. The people who helped me write all these down was, Leitte,Canes,Recce,Lennox. All us boys wrote down these together to describe what the book meant by magnificent height and breadth.
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Thursday, 20 June 2019
Hobby writing
My hobby is playing rugby with my friends and my team-mate. Lots of my friends from school play beside me at torments and on Saturday's.
Subheading Here
My rugby team is called the Royals and we are from Marist, Our coach Mazal has been coaching some of us since we were five years old. Our coach is a very good coach he pushes us to our limits when it comes to the big game. He has also coached sports for school. We all have much love for each other and our coaches. In 2017, we won the Taupo tournament at under 10’s.
Subheading Here
We have lost a lot of games but our coach says we just need to learn from that game. So each game we lose, we go training and learn more and more skills. So when we meet them again we try our best to get back at them. But this year we are playing under 13's and for now, we are undefeated because together we are strong alone we’re weak. We are also a family we are Marist brothers. Every Saturday we bring our A game to show every team what we're made of.
Some of us boys has known each other since we were five. Throughout the years we’ve been togther people have joined and people have left our team. But no matter what we will always be strong. Because it is not about how good you but it is about the mindset you have or your attitude.
Do you play rugby?
Subheading Here
My rugby team is called the Royals and we are from Marist, Our coach Mazal has been coaching some of us since we were five years old. Our coach is a very good coach he pushes us to our limits when it comes to the big game. He has also coached sports for school. We all have much love for each other and our coaches. In 2017, we won the Taupo tournament at under 10’s.
Subheading Here
We have lost a lot of games but our coach says we just need to learn from that game. So each game we lose, we go training and learn more and more skills. So when we meet them again we try our best to get back at them. But this year we are playing under 13's and for now, we are undefeated because together we are strong alone we’re weak. We are also a family we are Marist brothers. Every Saturday we bring our A game to show every team what we're made of.
Some of us boys has known each other since we were five. Throughout the years we’ve been togther people have joined and people have left our team. But no matter what we will always be strong. Because it is not about how good you but it is about the mindset you have or your attitude.
Do you play rugby?
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Thursday, 13 June 2019
Continent Writing
North America-USA
In North America there are about 23 countries. In North America contains all Caribbean and Central America countries, Bermuda, Canada, Mexico, the United States of America. My favorite country in North America is the United States of America.
There is a lot of places in U.S.A., But there are some very popular places In the United States of America like New York City,Los angels,Los Vegas. Out of all those place’s my favourite one is New York city because of the suture of liberty. The reason I like the statue of liberty is because it is very tall and I like the colour of it
Famous People
I have favourite from USA but it not only one. There's a lot, like Odell Beckem,Eminem,ice cube and a lot more. The reason I like Odell Beckem is because he plays for one of my favourite NFL teams, Cleveland Brown. I found out about Odell Beckem when I was 9 years old when he was playing for the New York Giants. Odell Beckem can catch the football with one hand.
Favourite musician
There are a lot of famous rappers and singers. But my favorite was xxxtention but he has past. The best rapper to me is Eminem, because he can rap so fast and he has the flow. I also like the N.W.A because also have the flow and talk about things in their life.
There are a lot of beautiful places in North America. Not only in the USA but in canada mexico and a lot more place. Maybe one day I could to a country in North America.
In North America there are about 23 countries. In North America contains all Caribbean and Central America countries, Bermuda, Canada, Mexico, the United States of America. My favorite country in North America is the United States of America.
There is a lot of places in U.S.A., But there are some very popular places In the United States of America like New York City,Los angels,Los Vegas. Out of all those place’s my favourite one is New York city because of the suture of liberty. The reason I like the statue of liberty is because it is very tall and I like the colour of it
Famous People
I have favourite from USA but it not only one. There's a lot, like Odell Beckem,Eminem,ice cube and a lot more. The reason I like Odell Beckem is because he plays for one of my favourite NFL teams, Cleveland Brown. I found out about Odell Beckem when I was 9 years old when he was playing for the New York Giants. Odell Beckem can catch the football with one hand.
Favourite musician
There are a lot of famous rappers and singers. But my favorite was xxxtention but he has past. The best rapper to me is Eminem, because he can rap so fast and he has the flow. I also like the N.W.A because also have the flow and talk about things in their life.
There are a lot of beautiful places in North America. Not only in the USA but in canada mexico and a lot more place. Maybe one day I could to a country in North America.
Thursday, 6 June 2019
Week 6 - FOLLOW UP
Walt:have everyone contribute to the small group discussion
Task Description: for this task we had to figure out the ratio of these questions.
Task Description: for this task we had to figure out the ratio of these questions.
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Task Description:For this task we did some ratio, To figure this out as a team. So at the end this is what we got.
Thursday, 30 May 2019
Africa Informative Writing
In Africa, there are a lot of endangered animals that are soon going to extinct and die forever. For example, there is a little amount of cheetah's left. In fact there about 6,800 cheetahs left in the world.
In Africa, there is a place called Niger, that I and my classmates have studied. It is the place I found out where the cheetahs live. The place Niger is found in the content of Africa.
Having cheetah’s in the world is something good for the world. Because if they were extinct there will be hardly any animals in Africa or the place Niger. There are other animals in Niger that are soon going to extinct. Like Addax or a Dama gazelle, there are other places in Africa where there is a lot of endangered animals.
The food in Africa look pretty good and some don’t. The best-looking food from Africa is chilli rice called Jolo rice. It is awesome the way they make their food. Also the way they wear their clothes. The reason I like the way they wear their clothes is that there are some much pattern and style in the clothes
Some places in Africa do not have clean water so it is not good, for the people in Africa. If there is no clean water that means they are unhealthy. Watching kids, adults and elder’s from Africa drinking dirty water makes me feel sad for them. I don’t think they deserve what's happening to them but things happen.
So what can we do to Help Africa or help the endangered animals. Also the kids.adults and the elders.
Task Description: For this task we had to write about what we learnt about Africa.
Monday, 27 May 2019
Monday, 20 May 2019
Team Building
On the 15 of May the year 8's went camp, and the year 7's did team building. Team building is about getting to hang out with people we hardly hang out with. While we were doing the team building at school we got split into to 3 groups. My group was called the Pt England OG's, during the 3 days we were at school we did active's, for the team point for who wins at the end the 15 of May the year 8's went camp, and the year 7's did team building. Team building is about getting to hang out with people we hardly hang out with. While we were doing the team building at school we got split into to 3 groups. My group was called the Pt England OG's, during the 3 days we were at school we did active's, for the team point for who wins at the end.
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Week 3: Mirror Magic
Task Description: For this task we had to try and make a five sided shape and label it With the letter's A,B,C,D,E On each corner. Then we put number's on the side and bottom to see which square the letter's were in.
Monday, 13 May 2019
Choose 2nd draft
Once upon a time, there was a tree that everyone in fortnite loved. It is called the tree of life because everyone who dies could come back to life if their family want. But there was a twist they had to it. The tree was on a hill, so if they wanted them to come back to life. They had to climb the hill by themselves…
One day John Wick was watching the Fortnite News with his mate Raptor. On the News, the man was talking about the tree of life. He was talking about a lot of people coming back to life. Then he said that they were going to cut down the tree of life because when the superheroes defeat the villains Thanos goes to the tree of life and brings all of them back to life. So that's why they were going to cut it down. They said it was going to happen tomorrow. John Wick and Raptor were talking about saving the tree so John and Raptor went to the tree, they went in there ATK very early in the morning as the sun gave them a warm greeting as they were driving towards the tree. They were protecting the tree for the whole day till the New’s people came. John pulled out his Scar-L and pointed it at the Boss and told to step away from the tree.
“ We don't want hurt you, so step away from our tree,” growled John.
Then All of a sudden, raven, default and renegade stepped out of the News van. Holding a sniper, Scar L, and a deagle. John and Raptor were outnumbered.
“Hahahaha yous have already lost drop your guns,” yelled Renegade.
Raven was sniped and sent back to the lobby, John and Raptor hid behind the tree. They heard an ATK coming, it came up the hill. When it got to the top it gave everybody a shock it was the 3rd member of John and Raptor it was Drift. Now it was Renegade and Default who was outnumbered Raptor, Drift and John Wick, scared all of them off. As they were running Raptor, Drift and John shot them and sent all of them back to the lobby.
“Where were you, when you sniped raven?” asked John,
“yeah where were?,” said Raptor.
“I was hiding on the top of the clock tower in tilted towers,” said Drift.
“Nice,” laughed Raptor and John.
They were scared that they might come back so Drift, John and Raptor had an idea. To make them their own house on the hill. So they made them self a very big house for all three of them. So when anyone comes up they would all be alerted.
Monday, 6 May 2019
Choose it narrative: Draft
Begin Writing Here: Once upon a time, there was a tree that everyone in fortnite loved. It is called the tree of life because everyone who dies could come back to life if their family want. But there was a twist they had to it. The tree was on a hill, so if they wanted them to come back to life. They had to climb the hill by themselves…
One day John Wick was watching the Fortnite News with his mate Raptor. On the News, the man was talking about the tree of life. He was talking about a lot of people coming back to life. Then he said that they were going to cut down the tree of life because when the superheroes defeat the villains Thanos goes to the tree of life and brings all of them back to life. So that's why they were going to cut it down. They said it was going to happen tomorrow. John Wick and Raptor were talking about saving the tree so John and Raptor went to the tree, they went in there ATK very early in the morning as the sun gave them a warm greeting as they were driving towards the tree. They were protecting the tree for the whole day till the New’s people came. John pulled out his Scar-L and pointed it at the Boss and told to step away from the tree.
“ We don't want hurt you, so step away from our tree,” growled John.
Then All of a sudden, raven, default and renegade stepped out of the News van. Holding a sniper, Scar L, and a deagle. John and Raptor were outnumbered.
“Hahahaha yous have already lost drop your guns,” yelled Renegade.
Raven was sniped and sent back to the lobby, John and Raptor hid behind the tree. They heard an ATK coming, it came up the hill. When it got to the top it gave everybody a shock it was the 3rd member of John and Raptor it was Drift. Now it was Renegade and Default who was outnumbered Raptor, Drift and John Wick, scared all of them off. As they were running Raptor, Drift and John shot them and sent all of them back to the lobby.
“Where were you, when you sniped raven?” asked John,
“yeah where were?,” said Raptor.
“I was hiding on the top of the clock tower in tilted towers,” said Drift.
“Nice,” laughed Raptor and John.
They were scared that they might come back so Drift, John and Raptor had an idea. To make them their own house on the hill. So they made them self a very big house for all three of them. So when anyone comes up they would all be alerted.
The End
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Monday, 29 April 2019
I Like Latitude
Today Pt England had the immersion assembly. About term 2's theme, my favourite item was team 4's. because Mrs Sio was reading the stars towards the takeaway shop. I also liked how Mr Goodwin made them find their way to Pt England School with out the G.P.S.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
3 special speakers
Today 3 special people came to the team five block. The 3 people were Tanielu Tele'a, Jason young and Fiona Bakulich. They came to talk about which path they took over the years they were alive. My favourite speaker was Tanielu because his one was about rugby and I love rugby,
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Friday, 29 March 2019
Lego with Kerrie,Zane and arthur
Task Description: Today I write about what I did with my friends and kerrie.
Thursday, 28 March 2019
The "Key Words"
Search # 4 - The images question
"images" + "cartoon" + "detective" + "police" + "animal characters"
Number of hits = 8,600 hits
This is my work from tech so this is a research about animals, police, detective and cartoons if you
copy it and paste it on a new tab you will see what it means and it will give you more informaion about
what it means
copy it and paste it on a new tab you will see what it means and it will give you more informaion about
what it means
Search # 5 - The images question.
Number of hits = 5,110,000 hits
this is another of tech so o this one it says on the bottom 10, 000 000 hits so if you go copy and paste it on a new tab then you will see some resalts and informaion.
Leiite & Paschal - Explanation template
You are never too young to change the world.
People across our country need to step up and become part of the difference in our world. The future of our environment is riding on the shoulders of today’s youth.
Picking up rubbish.
Picking up rubbish is good for the world. Littering causes the animals in the world to think rubbish is food mainly plastic. Sea animals like Sea turtle, Seabirds, fish, and Cetaceans.
Chucking rubbish in the right bin.
Chucking rubbish in the right rubbish bin is a great thing to do. Therefore it helps the environment getting polluted this causes our animals from dying as in sea animals and birds.
Don’t just do it at school (Home, Streets)
Don’t just pick up rubbish around your house you can also do it on the streets, parks, around the beach, and also around schools. Picking up rubbish not only helps the environment however it also helps the animals to be safe.
Teach others (whanau, neighbours)
You can also teach your family and neighbours. How to look after our environment. Also their environment.
There you have it!. Four reasons why students need to respect our environment and become part of the solution.
Monday, 25 March 2019
My Name is Rez
Walt: saummarise what is happening in the story in our own words.
Task Description: For this task we had to write about the book my name is Rez. We had to write things in our own words.
Task Description: For this task we had to write about the book my name is Rez. We had to write things in our own words.
Paschal Parts of a Narrative
Walt: Recognise words and phrases that "show" not "tell".
Task Description: for this task we had to write a plot line about the book Happy New Year.
Task Description: for this task we had to write a plot line about the book Happy New Year.
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Happy New year plot-line
Walt: Recognise the elements of a plot.

Task Description: Today we had to write a plot line about the book happy new year.
Task Description: Today we had to write a plot line about the book happy new year.
Thursday, 28 February 2019
Jonah Lomu free writing
We only had 30 minutes to write this. This is all I have for this week.
Do you know Jonah Lomu?. Well he is someone I look up too. He use to play number 11 in the all blacks. He past-away 2015,I loved him so much my rugby coach took me and some of my friend’s to his funeral at Eden Park. He died because of his kidney, his kidney wasn't very good that's the way my legend Jonah Lomu died. Even though he is up in heaven he will always be my legend. He is one of the best winger of all time. He had a close friend named Jerry Collins he was number 6 for the all blacks he is also on of my legends he is the best number six I’ve ever seen.
Do you know Jonah Lomu?. Well he is someone I look up too. He use to play number 11 in the all blacks. He past-away 2015,I loved him so much my rugby coach took me and some of my friend’s to his funeral at Eden Park. He died because of his kidney, his kidney wasn't very good that's the way my legend Jonah Lomu died. Even though he is up in heaven he will always be my legend. He is one of the best winger of all time. He had a close friend named Jerry Collins he was number 6 for the all blacks he is also on of my legends he is the best number six I’ve ever seen.
Friday, 22 February 2019
Past-The Migration.
Walt: Looking at the past
Task Description: For this task we had to go home and ask our parents what sacrifice they made to come to New Zealand.We also asked what was a challenge for them.
Wednesday, 20 February 2019
The Pink Umbrella
Task Description: For this story we had to read a Samoan book mixed up with English. It is called the pink umbrella. We had to think of what they were thinking in their head.
Visual Mihi
Task Description: For this task we had to draw our hobbies on hyperstudio. Then we had to export our work to our drive.
Friday, 15 February 2019
Malaga Pasifika: My Journey
Where do your family get their name from? My family name comes from my dads dad name.
Where do you want to be in 10 years’ time and what will you be doing? In
ten years I want to move to Chicago and be a architect because my favourite
B-Ball player Michael Jordan.
ten years I want to move to Chicago and be a architect because my favourite
B-Ball player Michael Jordan.
Is it the same or a different place from where you were born? In ten years I will be in a different place from where I was born.
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