
Friday 20 September 2019

De-extinction SEE writing

What would you do if a massive Moa crossed the street in front of you? Many animals are extinct, but bringing them back is not alright. Because they could be wild and dangerous. Also, it could kill some other species.

There are lots of animals that have been extinct, like the mammoth, big sloths and more. In New Zealand scientists are thinking of bringing back the Moa. To bring back the Moa, they would have to get the DNA from animals that are similar to the Moa. The closest animals to the Moa are the Emu and the ostrich.

If there was an animal that I could choose to be de-extinction. It would be a mamtoth because it live’s in Antarctica. The reason I chose the mamtoth is because hardly anyone goes to Antarctica. Plus it looks like elephant but hairier and bigger.

If the NZ scientist bring back the Moa I would never go for bush walks ever again. But if I saw a Moa across the street I would probably run for my life. Having very big animals in our bush’s is pretty scary because who know’s when they are going to come out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paschal, yes seeing a real live moa would be a real fright in the bush, but given that they mainly ate fruit and leaves, I probably would just hang around and watch quietly (kind of like those kids on Jurassic Park watching the brontosaurus). I think scientists would be able to de-extinct the mammoth more easily than the moa, mainly because good quality mammoth DNA can still be obtained from fossils that have been frozen in the Siberia permafrost for thousands of years, whereas moa remains have not been frozen and the DNA is mostly broken up into tiny pieces that are hard to work with. I enjoyed looking at your genomics blog learning too.
