
Monday 12 August 2019

Should school start later and end earlier

My first reason about disgreeing on this statement is that kids should get lots of school hours.For a better future.Do you want more school time?. If kids have more learning time, kids have a higher chance of getting into a good college or job. When kids have lots of school hours it give’s their brain a very good work out. But having short hours at school gives kids less time to learn.

My next reason is you can get lots and lots of help from the teacher. Maybe if you get more teacher help you have a very high chance of passing any test. Teacher’s make work at the level that you are at. Starting school later gives the teacher less time too know what level that you are reading at or any subject. Teachers could also help you enrol for a college that you want to go to.

My thrid reason is that you get lots of time to spend with your school mates. Having school mate’s is good too have becuase maybe when you get older maybe you guys would see into each other. Even maybe try and get in the same college go to Aut togther. Having school so fun becuase when you are so close to each other, it is like you are brothers or sisters. Having friends that are like my brother is fun becuase we can help each other when we are stuck in school-work.

These are all my reason’s why I disagree. Do you disagree or agree.

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