
Wednesday 17 October 2018

Start of term 4

Walt: use correct sentences to help structure our writing.

The holidays are over and it's time for school.It is time for term 4 and our theme about this term is art. We are going to learn about what is art.

I am so exciting for this term because of athletics. I also have year 6 camp out at khawa island.

At the end of this term we are going to be having a school prize giving. We also have film festival where our school share movie they've made with there teacher.

This term my goal is to try and listen more and not talk. My 2nd goal is to improve my maths and make the right choices. My 3rd goal is try go sleep early and not late

This term I want to learn about painting.I also want to learn about what is sketching. I would like to learn about some of the most famous painter in the world. I also want to improve my reading and writing.

I think term 4 is going to be fun because there is lots of fun things happening like camp and athletics. We also are going to learn about painting and lots of art. But the thing i'm looking forward to is film festival.
Task Description:
For this task we wrote about what this term is about and our goals for this term. We also learned how to write a proper conclusion. when i wrote this it was hard for me to think about what was coming up this term.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paschal

    I can tell by your piece of writing that you are looking forward to this terms activities like athletics and the big Year 6 camp. I think the first goal that you have set for this term is a great idea as it will help you achieve your second goal.

    Enjoy this term Paschal. Please keep up the sharing of your learning.

    Miss T.A
