
Monday, 10 August 2015

How to run

Room 14,

Pt England School,

Pt England.


Dear Awkward Guys,

Yesterday, I saw you having serious problems running down the road in your brand new

running gear.  It looked like you were really in need of some help, so I decided to write to you to give you two tips.

Firstly you should bend your arms.  Before we saw you 5 guys running. You run like a duck.  1of you guys run like a penguin. It well give you more power.

You must look straight so you don't bump into people. If you bump into people they'll get angry.

I hope this helps good luck.

Hope that helps.

From paschal


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like your letter writing Paschal and it is good. I thought it was funny when you said that they ran like a duck and penguin. How did you learn to be a good runner?
