
Monday, 10 August 2020

Idea's of what we want to do.

Year 7’s Step Up

Year 8’s camp

Keep: Keep it the same

Keep: Every-thing

Stop: Blurt’s, self management.

Stop: Going sleep early, people not coming camp

Add: Sport eg rugby, Basket ball

Add: we need to add more days to camp.

Task Description: For this task we had to write down what we wanted to keep,stop and add to both of the event's we had last week. 

Leader's of the year seven step up and leader's from camp

  •  Jezakaia: Jezakaia's highlight was when him and his dorm put all there bed's together and slept together.
  • Arthur: Arthur's highlight was when we had the concert night at camp. 
  • Sauma : Sauma's highlight was talking to new people and meeting new people.
  • Mohammed: Mohammed's highlight was stepping up to be a leader when the year 8's were at camp.
  • Zamera: She said her highlight was learning how to control a go kart.
  • Caleb: Caleb's highlight was playing paintball.
  • Bradley: Bradley's highlight was being a sub prefect.
  • Nina: Nina's highlight was having a big feed with all the year seven's and some of the year eight's.
  • Sione: Sione's highlight was all the boys going into his dorm and singing song's. 

Year 8 leadership camp

 On August the 5th the year 8's from Pt England School went to a camp in Theam's and it was called Kauaranga Valley Christian Camp for short it was KVCC. One of my favourite highlight's was when me and the boys were just chilling on the trampoline singing before we left the camp ground's. The reason why it was one of my favourite highlight is because how we all stepped out of our comfort zone and having a special time with the friend's.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Measuring Up

Task Description: For today's task we had to measure the two line's and find out which line was longer and found out that they were the same length. Then  we had to measure five other objects which were the door frame, door latch, number two sign, width of the desk and our hand span.

Monday, 3 August 2020

The 1,000,000 pound note

Task Description: For this task we had to read a story about the million pound note by Mark Twain