What I already know about Tā Moko is
Ta moko is a maori tattoo
NEW INFORMATION - use notes for key points
Text 1
The Tā Moko Tradition
That a lot of people say that it is under their skin
It's a important Maori tradition tattoo
Maori call a tattoo on the body or face ta moko
The tradition of tattooing is found across the pasific
It is a sketch of a rangatira by sydney parkinson (1784).
Text 2
Kaanga Cooper Skipper
For most Maori it is important to prepare properly
First she had to visit her ancestors and her grandmother.
When she was getting her Moko she was feeling blessed
The decision was up to the artist
Text 3
Gary Te Ruki
He loved drawing Mokos
It is a statement of who he is and who his people are
He is from Waikato
A battle cry was heard from his marae
Meaning (peace shall never be made)
His Moko is apart of his rebellious nature
Text 4
Priscilla Ruha
When she got her Moko she was at the age of 21
It was part of expressing her cultural identity
She said ta Moko is not a foreign
A growing number are deciding for themselves and their families to wear this treasure
Text 5
Rangi Mclean
His journey started when he was eight-teen
He was a rebel once
The Moko showed up in his dream
The Moko was special
It was a behalf of his iwi (tribe)
A Pakhea help him with his Moko
SYNTHESIS My new understanding of the Tā Moko is
It is a very special tattoo for Maori.
There is always a meaning behind the moko .
It is a treasure to the Maori people.
The sketching of it was found in 1784
The person who found it was named Sydney Parkinson
Task Description: For this task I had to read a book about these people and what the moko meant to them. Then I had to write some facts down or things they said that interested me.
Hi Paschal! It's great to see you putting forth such exceptional effort into your learning this week. For this task, you were asked to write a a synthesis (summary paragraph) of your learning from the different texts. Also, once you've done that, just copy your paragraph onto your blog. You do not need to embed the entire doc. It was great to see you learning some new things since we did spend a short time last year also looking at a different text and the Tā Moko. Do you know anyone who has one?